Sweet Magnolias Season 3 focuses on faith, family, and friendship. Wondering what ages this Netflix series is geared for? I’m breaking down all of the thematic elements, including its TV-PG rating, in my Sweet Magnolias Season 3 Review and Parents Guide. Here’s what parents need to know to help YOU decide if it’s appropriate for your family. As always, no spoilers!

Sweet Magnolias Season 3 Review + Parents Guide
Season 3 of Sweet Magnolias kicks off following the events from the previous season. When we last saw the characters of Serenity, there was a fight at Sullivan’s involving Cal (Justin Burning), Dana Sue (Brooke Elliott) came into some unexpected money, and Helen (Heather Headley) has to choose between two men. Because of the event at Sullivan’s, Maddie (Joanna Garcia Swisher) is overwhelmed and questions her relationship with Cal.

This season of Sweet Magnolias seems to have taken the phrase of things being slower in the south to heart. Unfortunately, this is not a good thing. I’m really conflicted about this series, because season one had me hooked! Season two is where the storyline shifted into a heavily faith-based storyline. But season 3 is honestly a snooze fest.
I am honestly scratching my head at how drastic this series has changed from where it started. And while I don’t have any issue with religion in a series, this isn’t how Sweet Magnolias began. Sure there was a touch of faith, but it has since turned into full-blown faith fest.

Although this season left me disappointed, there were some themes worth mentioning. My favorite stories involved the teens of Serenity, especially Tyler (Carson Rowland) and his mom, Maddie. I absolutely loved watching the mother/son relationship between them. Tyler is growing up and coming up on major life changes. Where will he go to college? What does he want to do now that he’s decided he no longer wants to play baseball? And Maddie just wholeheartedly supports her son. She encourages him to try new things and discover what he’s truly passionate about. Tyler also admires his mother and is incredibly protective of her. Being a mom of two boys, it’s heartwarming for me to see these relationships because I can see my future self with my own sons.
Another great storyline involves the men of Serenity. These guys show a different side to what is normally portrayed to men, and it’s incredible. The men show their vulnerability with each other and they have a strong friendship being there for one another. These are important storylines to show.

Is Sweet Magnolias Season 3 Kid-Friendly? Here’s your Parents Guide:
Sweet Magnolias is heavily faith-based and is centered around the lives of three friends and their families in the tight knit community of Serenity. While initially this series didn’t start off as kid-friendly, as the seasons have gone on, the rating has gone from TV-14 to TV-PG. That’s a big difference.
There are 10 episodes in Sweet Magnolias season 3, with each one averaging 50 minutes. Here’s what parents need to know before watching Sweet Magnolias with their family.
There is no profanity used in Sweet Magnolias season 3. However, phrases like “Oh my stars,” “Blue blazes,” and “Oh my Heavens” are used instead. There is also one mention of Hell.
There is talk of the fight that occurred in Sullivan’s from season 2. Otherwise, some of the characters have disagreements, but no physical violence is shown.
Mature Content
Gone are the steamy sex scenes of previous seasons. Sweet Magnolias season 3 is toned way down. There is a focus on PTSD and anger management, and there is also mention of miscarriage and infertility. The ladies of Serenity still have their weekly margarita nights, so drinking is shown on multiple occasions.
What is the Age Recommendation for Sweet Magnolias Season 3?
I would recommend Sweet Magnolias season 3 for ages 12 and up, however, I don’t necessarily feel they’d enjoy it. It’s very slow paced and although there are teens on the series, I’m not sure if it’s enough to keep them engaged.
Overall Thoughts
I’m so conflicted on this series. As much as I want to love Sweet Magnolias, season 3 just didn’t do it for me. It was unbearably SLOW. But even though I am underwhelmed, I do appreciate the easy going story that doesn’t really make me have to think.
The season ends without any major cliffhangers. There are absolutely unfinished stories that can still be told, but the series could easily end, as well. I’m sure there’s a fanbase for Sweet Magnolias. I’m just not sure that I’m it.

Sweet Magnolias Season 3 Synopsis
Following the brawl at Sullivan’s, Maddie wrestles with the best way to help Cal and works to clear her own emotional path. Helen faces difficult decisions about the men in her life. And Dana Sue searches for a way to use Miss Frances’ check to help the community, without upending her family. The identity of the tire slasher sends shockwaves through Serenity, the recall causes unexpected consequences, and there are romantic surprises in every generation. Throughout the season, the ladies tackle these problems — and all the complications they cause — with their trademark warmth, humor, and devotion to each other and those they love. And margaritas.
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