Spellbound, the latest animated masterpiece from Skydance Animation, weaves together stunning visuals, an enchanting musical score, and a heartfelt story to create a cinematic experience that is nothing short of magical. Directed by Vicky Jenson, this film captures the essence of classic fairy tales while introducing modern themes of unity and resilience.
Spellbound Movie Review
At its core, Spellbound tells a story about family, leadership, and the courage to unite in the face of division. The protagonist, Princess Ellian, embarks on a quest to lift a powerful curse, and her journey is filled with relatable struggles, surprising twists, and profound moments of self-discovery.
The animation in Spellbound is breathtaking, showcasing a vivid, richly detailed fantasy world that feels alive and immersive, making every frame a work of art. The character designs strike the perfect balance between whimsical and expressive, allowing the cast to convey deep emotion through every glance and gesture.
Alan Menken’s musical genius shines once again in Spellbound. The score is a symphony of wonder and whimsy. The soaring melodies amplify the film’s emotional beats, while the original songs are as memorable as they are moving. Menken’s compositions feel timeless, seamlessly bridging the worlds of classical magic and contemporary musical storytelling. Paired with heartfelt lyrics and exceptional vocal performances, the music becomes a character in its own right, guiding viewers through moments of joy, tension, and triumph.
Spellbound delivers a powerful and timely message about the strength found in unity and understanding. It encourages audiences to see beyond differences and find common ground—a theme that resonates universally. Spellbound’s dazzling animation, unforgettable music, and meaningful storytelling make it a must-watch for audiences of all ages. Whether you’re a fan of epic fantasy or simply looking for a film that will leave your heart full, Spellbound is a spellbinding experience that you’ll want to revisit again and again.
Interview with Director Vicky Jenson
I recently had the pleasure of interviewing the Director of Spellbound, Vicky Jenson. We discussed everything from the music, to the mythical creatures, and so much more!
Spellbound is rated PG for thematic elements and some action/peril. It has a runtime of 1 hour 49 minutes. You can stream Spellbound on Netflix.