I called my surgeon’s office yesterday morning and they placed me on the “wait list.” They’ll call me if they get any cancellations before my appointment. I’ve been doing a TON of research and found something that said only 20% of nodules that showed “suspicious” in the biopsy, came back actually being cancer. So, I’m hoping that’s my case. Last night I went on youtube and seached for “thyroidectomy.” HA! I got EXACTLY what I was looking for. There are literally oodles of videos of surgeons performing thyroidectomies. Honestly it really didn’t bother me to watch it. The part that terrifies me the most is being put under the anestesia. Although I’ve done it before, and have always been okay with it afterwards, I just don’t like that whole process. Anyways, the other thing that my search revealed were these video blogs of actual people who have had the surgery…those were interesting! Everyone seems to have a positive story, which of course is very reassuring…but, I still don’t like it! Jared keeps telling me to lay off the researching, but I really can’t seem to stop! It’s right here readily available at my fingertips…how can I stop?!
Some good news…my brother inlaw called me the other day and asked me to start looking for good deals on flights in March. He’s planning on visiting for a week with our niece and nephew! I am psyched about this! I miss those kids so much! I talked to my nephew on the phone a couple weeks ago (he’s 5) and he said “I love you Aunt Kami,” and I said “I love you too buddy.” …he then says “I love you more!” Totally melted my heart…He’s so sweet! And our niece is just the sweetest little girl ever. She will just come and sit on my lap to cuddle up with me. Jared and I cannot wait to see them again!
Ssg Head's Wife
I hope you get in soon. Also I just wanted to tell you that WORST case scenerio, it is a cancer. Thyroid cancer is the most easily treatable cancer there is. The cure rate is the highest of any cancer of the body (not including skin). Lets pray it does not come to that but know, you will be okay and you have an angel watching over you!