This past week I have done two ridiculous things. First of all, Jared’s uncle is driving his uncle’s car from here (CT) to Chicago. He asked me to book him a flight back home. So, I did. I booked him a flight from Hartford to Chicago, rather than the other way around. I felt awful because I was terrified there was going to be fees to change the flight, but luckily it was very simple to do, and there were no fees! That was incident number one. Incident number two occurred literally the next day. I went out shopping and on my way home got caught in a down pour. It was raining so hard that when I got into the house I had to change my clothes because they were soaked. Anyways, about 2 1/2 hours later my father inlaw came in and asked me if there was a reason why my car was running. Yup, you guessed it…I left my keys in the ignition and had my car running ALL that time! I never understood the concept of “pregnancy brain,” but really, I have no other excuse for this ridiculousness! I hope I am good for a long time, because this is crazy.
On another note, I ordered my invitations last night for my baby shower in Rhode Island! They are super cute. They have a puppy and stars on them to coordinate with our little theme! That shower is booked for August 29th. My one here in Connecticut is going to be September 27th at our brandy new house ๐ – woot!!
My sister inlaw sent me this picture of my niece and nephew the other day, and I just have to show off their cuteness…aren’t they sweet?!
I also can report that I can feel my baby boy move! He moves around like crazy at times…mostly I can just feel him inside, but every once in awhile he lets out a strong kick! Jared got to feel two little “pops” the other night, he was so excited!
Wow, you're lucky that your brain has had it easy! My pregnancy brain has been unbelievable. I have done everything from trying to open car doors by rolling down the windows (??), taking a sip of water out of a huge red cup and then freaking out because my vision went red & i thought i was dying (my fiance witnessed it…and laughed so hard he was crying harder than i've ever seen!) to just a general absolute lack of the ability to Finish sentences/thoughts/dishes (i wander away with the water on?) & know where anything is at any given time. And today i lost my glasses between our front door and car on the way to get groceries. We still haven't found them.
Cute niece & nephew!! ๐
Yay for movement! That is so exciting and the best feeling ever. I look forward to feeling my baby all the time and if a long period time goes without movement I get sad. I love feeling him/her move.