It’s amazing how much your life can change in one year. Exactly one year ago, to this very day. I was staring at this: And then that turned into thisWhich turned into this ๐ It is amazing when you think about it ๐ This year has been the most wild ride yet. I cannot believe…
We’re Back!!!
We made it…to and from Tennessee, in one piece…and successfully! Lincoln was better than I ever imagined him to be! He is quite the little traveler ๐ We had a great time visiting my brother inlaw, niece, and nephew. We were there for 9 days, but of course it flew by! We were gone for…
Road trip!
So, maybe we’re crazy…BUT, we’re taking a 16 hour road trip to Tennessee to visit my brother inlaw, niece, and nephew…and we leave first thing tomorrow morning! We think Lincoln will be fine for the trip. He’s great in the car. He normally just sleeps, and when he is awake, he just looks all around…such…
[not quite] Wordless Wednesday
Lincoln’s christening was this past weekend. It was a beautiful ceremony performed by the same Reverend who married Jared and me…which to us, made it all the more special! Lincoln wore his godfather’s, my brother’s christening outfit, which I thought was super sweet! Here are some pics from the day Lincoln with mommy & daddy…
3 Months
My little man is officially 3 months old! He changes so much each day that it really is amazing. I am so thankful I am able to stay home at him so I don’t miss any of these special moments. I do not know how any of you mommies go back to work! I mean,…