Naturally Lincoln was the life of the party…as usual. He put on quite the show with his dance moves.
Even though Lincoln isn’t looking at the camera, I still adore this photo.
At the end of the night, Lincoln found a flower patch and was determined to pick a flower for his momma.
The next morning we headed out to New Hampshire. The drive was only a little over 2 hours…much shorter than the day before!
We really enjoyed our little mini-vacation. I think Lincoln did too, because he informed me we’re going on vacation again in two weeks! I don’t know where he comes up with this stuff, but he certainly keeps me laughing!!
Our next vacation will be a family of four!! Wow!!!
[…] a little girl, so it’s a very nostalgic place for me. The last time we visited Story Land was 3 years ago, when Lincoln was only 3 years old! I was very excited for Avery to experience Story Land for his […]