I’ve talked about Vision Boards, and how they can help in manifesting your dreams. Putting things out into the universe can be a powerful thing. Seeing your hopes and dreams on printed paper helps to aid in achieving their success. As much as I rely on technology everyday, I really do enjoy writing things down. I’m one of those people who STILL uses a paper planner. I love handwritten thank you notes. Walking through the stationary aisle at Target makes me happy. With the New Year rapidly approaching, I thought it would be fun to write down our goals for the upcoming year. I hope you enjoy this 2020 Goal Setting Printable!
I love how these goals are sectioned off between personal, professional, and passion. I also think it’s great that it encourages you to try new things. For example, read a new book, learn something new, travel to a new destination, etc.
There is even a spot to write your “word of the year.” I’ve done this myself before, and it encourages you to stay focused on that one simple word throughout the year.
You can download and print your FREE goal setting worksheet by clicking here
If you’re planning on creating a vision board this year, attach this goal planning worksheet to your vision board! Have a paper planner, like me? Include your printable goal setting sheet inside! The more you see these goals, the more likely you will succeed in achieving them.
Encourage your family members to write down their own goals for the New Year. Then you can hold yourselves accountable!
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