Happy New Year, everyone! I hope 2019 is off to a good start for you all. Our house has been battling a case of the sickies. It seems like my poor little Avery always gets hit the hardest. He has literally been sick on and off since Christmastime. Because I’m traveling early next week, I decided to bring him to the pediatrician today. He has a very slight ear infection. She said it’s so mild she doesn’t think he needs an antibiotic. So here’s to hoping he’s feeling better soon!
It’s been a very busy week on the blog, so I’m going to take this opportunity to recap a bit! Here we go!
First and foremost. If you’ve been following our story, then you will be happy to hear I (finally) published Part 4. I’ll be the first to admit it’s a bit more cut and dry than the rest of the series. BUT, I just wanted it to be DONE. So, it’s done. Going through a traumatic event takes a lot out of you emotionally. I really just needed to write down the facts and finish.
In much happier news….have you seen the phenomenal lineup of Disney movies being released this year? If not, click here…go on, I’ll wait…
Which are you most excited to see?!
How about some Disney news? It was announced late last year that the Disney Social Media Moms Celebration (#DisneySMMC) would be on “hiatus” for 2019. Cue the tears. Disney Social Media Moms is so very special to me, so this was definitely a disappointment. My friend Christie from Raising Whasians provided us with some info this week. This coming March, Disney is doing the first ever Disney Creator Days. To learn what this is all about, you can view her post here. I’m really interested to see what this event leads to, and what the future holds for Disney Social Media Moms.
In other Disney news, a new FREE dining promotion was recently released. You can get all of your info here.

Disney photo from October 2016.
Cold and flu season is here. If you’re looking for an easy DIY recipe to bring you comfort, check out these vaporizing bath salts. You can thank me later.
My husband and I are headed to Orlando for a very quick 3 day trip next week! We’re Walt Disney World Annual Passholders, so we will absolutely be visiting the parks! I’m attending a conference, and cannot wait! We have a big family vacation planned for February, so I don’t feel too bad about leaving the kids home.
Annnd that’s all I have for today! Super busy week next week, but I cannot wait! I LOVE blogging conferences and reconnecting with blogging friends.
Cheers to the weekend! xoxo
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