Most of you know I have Osteogenesis Imperfecta (OI), a brittle bone disorder. While it’s not something I write about all the time, it is something extremely important to me. It is my life, and part of me feels like I have a responsibility to use my voice, or in this case my words, and raise awareness. Although OI is not a lack in calcium, but a lack in collagen, it is still crucial for me to maintain my bone health. In fact, all women should be aware of the importance of keeping their bones healthy.
Because I have OI, I unfortunately also have a greater chance of developing Osteoporosis later in life. Did you know that women are more likely than men to get Osteoporosis? It’s true. Which is why keeping your bones healthy now, is crucial for your future.
I think it’s important to not only take a daily multi-vitamin, but to also take a calcium with vitamin D supplement. There is not enough calcium alone in a multi-vitamin, however, they are obviously still important to take. Adding a calcium supplement in addition, as well as eating calcium rich foods, will provide you with a healthy balance. It is essential that your calcium supplement also have vitamin D. Calcium is tricky because it’s hard to absorb. Vitamin D helps with the absorption, making sure your body gets the most out of your supplement!
I purchase my multi-vitamin and calcium with vitamin D supplement at Walgreens.
They’re so easy to locate in the store. They are also grouped accordingly. Multi-vitamins with multi-vitamins. Calcium supplements with calcium supplements, etc!
There really are so many to choose from!
Another important factor when thinking about bone health, is exercise. Working out is pretty tricky for me, because I am limited with what I am physically able to do. Lifting weights or kettlebells, is one of my favorite ways to exercise. It is a great way to strengthen my bones, and to maintain bone density.
Let’s face it. I’m the mom of two little boys, who are not so little! Lincoln is 40 pounds, and Avery is already almost 20!! I need to be strong for them. I need to keep my bones healthy, so I can be the very best mother to my sons.
I know most of you don’t have OI. But I do know 95% of my readers are women. I hope if you’re not practicing healthy bone maintenance, that you’ll start today. It’s never too late to prepare your bones for the future.
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