It wasn’t long before my baby was brought into my room, and he was placed into my arms.

Avery had a special gift to give to his big brother, Lincoln. A personalized Batman backpack, filled with lots of goodies. Lincoln’s favorite? The Super, Incredible Big Brother book!
Also? Yes. Lincoln is totally wearing big brother scrubs! I couldn’t resist buying them for the occasion!

My first night there was pretty rough. For starters, they gave me a bag of Pitocin to contract my uterus. I don’t remember them doing this with Lincoln, or if they did, it never hurt. Because, OMG the contractions!! Seriously. I had my baby already, yet was experiencing uterine contractions. It was not fun at all.
I had my catheter taken out at 6pm. I finally went to the bathroom around 9pm. However, it wasn’t much. I kept getting the urge to pee, but nothing would come out. My nurse told me sometimes this happens when you have a catheter. She said you’ll have the sensation, but can’t go. This went on for six hours. Yes. SIX. And, I was still having the uterine contractions, so it was even more uncomfortable.
Finally at 4am my nurse came to check on me. She asked if I had gotten any sleep. I hadn’t. I told her I was EXTREMELY uncomfortable. I had to pee. I just couldn’t get anything out. She said she could temporarily put a catheter back in me to drain out anything I had. I agreed. I seriously cannot even begin to tell you how uncomfortable it was to not be able to pee.
She got another nurse in my room and they did the procedure. They took over one liter out of me! Seriously.
I guess it’s a common side-effect of having a catheter. It was really awful. Thankfully this was the only time it occurred, and I peed just fine after they did the procedure.
The next couple of days were spent adoring our new baby boy. Getting to know him and his sweet self. He’s a content little man. They called him “the prince” in the nursery.
Lincoln came to visit every day after school with my parents. He loved coming to visit!

My recovery has certainly been much harder than it was with Lincoln. I don’t know if it’s because I had my tubes tied as well, or because this pregnancy was just more difficult in general. It was all worth it though. Every bit.
Life at home has been pretty great. Avery is a dream baby. Seriously. He’s so sweet. Really content, and I just love him to pieces. It’s so true what they say. Your heart just grows when you add another child to your family. I didn’t think I could love another child like I love Lincoln. But I do. It’s amazing. My heart is full. I have my two perfect, healthy sweet boys – and I couldn’t be happier.
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