I really do not know when or how it happened, but suddenly my sweet boy is 7 months old! He is closer to being one year old, than he is a newborn…and that sounds absolutely unbelievably crazy to me! It feels like he was just being placed into my arms for the first time, yet, I cannot imagine my life without him.
Lincoln is learning new things literally every day. It truly amazes me to watch him discover the smallest things, & find such joy and amazement.
We had his 6 month checkup the other day [2 days before he turned 7 months, go figure]…and he is measuring in the 97th percentile for his height and weight. He was 20 lbs 7 1/2 oz & 28 3/4 inches! He did very well for his appointment, & his pedi was impressed with all of his milestones. We got the go ahead to try pretty much any food with him, but we’re keeping quiet about that because we don’t want any crazy family members to try to give him a hot dog quite yet ๐
As always, we had our 7 month photo shoot ๐ It was very hard to get pictures because my sweet boy does not like to sit still! He does however LOVE the camera…he smiles as soon as I take it out ๐ Here he is nomming away on Sophie…
Happy 7 months!! Sooo cute!! I see that he enjoys his sophie ๐